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Hay más bendición en dar
que en recibir.

¿Está afligido alguno entre ustedes? ¡Qué ore! ¿Está alguno alegre? ¡Que cante salmos! ¿Está enfermo alguno de ustedes? Que llame a los ancianos de la iglesia y que oren por él, ungiéndole con aceite en el nombre del Señor. 15 Y la oración de fe dará salud al enfermo, y el Señor lo levantará.

Nosotras estuvimos caminando por la calles de muestra ciudad en invierno; hacía mucho frío y mis labios se pusieron azules. Lily preguntó: "¿Por qué tienes los labios azules?" 

Le respondí: “Porque tengo un agujero en el corazón”. 

“Ah…” she said. “In the name of Jesus Christ you are healed!” 

Seguimos caminando como si no pasara nada. A la semana siguiente fui al médico y me dijo, ¡estás sana! 


I met Lily in Whitehorse, Yukon. She came to share for a few days in our church about the power in the name of Jesus. During our time of fellowship at my house, we began to share and suddenly she said, “You are healed!” She didn’t know what was happening in my life. The week before the doctor told me, “You have liver cancer!” The week after I met Lily and she told me you’re healed, I went to the doctor and I was healthy! 


Lily quería decirte que la biopsia del nódulo salió benigno, doy gloria a Dios, gracias por tus oraciones.  


I was 23 years old. We were having a civil war in Argentina called a “dirty war” where everything in the country was unstable and unsafe. All the people I loved moved to other countries, or died. I felt empty and alone. At that time in my life, I wanted to die. There was no purpose to continue living, I just wanted to die, and I spent all the time crying and no one could comfort me. One day my family went on a trip for the weekend and I thought it would be the perfect time to end my life. I was in the bedroom and started challenging God, “God, are you there? Are you real? Please if you exist, talk to me!”

Suddenly I heard a voice saying, “Because I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; I’m the one who tells them: “Don’t be afraid, I’m the one who helps you.” I was scared and heard that voice again, “Don’t be afraid, I’m the one who helps you.” And I asked Him again, “Are you really talking to me? God, if you’re really talking to me, I’ll open my Bible and I want to read what you said.” I opened my Bible to His exact words from Isaiah 41:13. This experience changed my life forever.  


Lily, the doctor found “bad cells” located just in my prostate and I had to make a decision to have surgery or wait. After you prayed I received my healing and now I am cancer-free. I also want to say thank you because now my wife is free from the problem of nausea, vomiting, anxiety, and depression. We both received healing! Thank God and your prayers! 


Hi, l didn’t tell you what the LORD has done for my nephew after we prayed together. My nephew came home for about a week then had to go to Calgary to have tests. Came back to Whitehorse, Yukon. Doctor called to say that there was no cancer in his stomach. The whole family were rejoicing. So they checked his side and found cancer. It had spread all over his side. My sister called crying over the phone to give me the news. I told her l prayed for him the first time and God healed him. Told her we have to believe that he is healed. Doctors did more tests then the doctors sent him home. They couldn’t help him anymore. Told him, he had 6 to 9 months to live. They came home distraught. A day later, the doctor phoned. My nephew’s common-law wife says her knees were shaking when she heard the doctor’s voice. The doctor told her the results came back. There was no trace of cancer on my nephew’s body. He was cancer free. The doctor apologized for the misdiagnosis. Told them my nephew had stomach ulcers. Medication would be sent to him immediately. As soon as l heard the wonderful news l visited them. My nephew gave his life to the Lord but hasn’t called for prayer or Bible study.  Por favor, oren para que camine con Jesús y crezca en Él. Que maravillosa historia de lo que Dios hizo. Dios todavía obra en milagros hoy, amén. Pensé en compartir lo que Dios ha hecho por mi sobrino.


Hola, probablemente no me recuerdes. Necesitaba sanación emocional de un trauma pasado para poder seguir adelante en mi relación con mi esposo. ¡¡¡Gracias!!! Mi esposo y yo estamos reconstruyendo nuestro matrimonio con la ayuda misericordiosa de Dios. Muchas gracias por tus oraciones. 


Lily, estaba teniendo problemas para quedar embarazada y después de algunas pruebas, los médicos descubrieron que tenía endometriosis. La agonía se convirtió en una enfermedad espiritual y física. Estaba muy deprimida, tomaba medicamentos que me hacían pensar cosas raras, y estaba teniendo todo tipo de tratamientos sin solución al problema. Después de cuatro años de ansiedad, dijo el médico; ¡debemos operar y eliminar todo lo que causa el dolor de esta enfermedad! La semana anterior cuando estaba orando, tuve un sueño antes de ir al hospital para la operación. En el sueño, fui sanada. Cuando llegué al hospital, el doctor me dijo lo que planeaban hacer. Cuando comenzaron la cirugía, notaron que algo estaba diferente. Los médicos se sorprendieron porque no entendían por qué estaba en la sala de operaciones cuando estaba sana. Los médicos dijeron: “¡Esto es un milagro!”.


Me gustaría compartir un breve testimonio sobre el día de ayuno y oración. Había estado experimentando un tiempo un poco “seco” luchando espiritualmente con una nueva temporada de vida.  La vida está tan ocupada a veces, incluso con cosas buenas, que uno puede sentirse desprovisto de visión, pasión y energía, incluso cuando pasa tiempo con el Señor todos los días en el hogar.  Así me sentía al entrar en el día de ayuno y oración.  Mi oración en silencio fue: “Señor, por favor ayúdame a volver al camino.  Quiero escucharte y sentirte.” 

El día comenzó con maravillosas alabanzas y adoración a través de canciones y videos, y luego durante todo el día se tocaron canciones de adoración.  Sentí que tomaba una respiración profunda y relajante porque sabía que estaríamos aquí durante seis horas. Al principio fue un desafío dejar la lista de cosas por hacer, pero finalmente, mi mente pudo enfocarse en el Señor y no en todas las otras cosas que necesitaba hacer en casa.  

Orar con otros en el grupo, por las necesidades de nuestra comunidad, nuestra iglesia, nuestro país y pasar un tiempo tranquilo y a solas en oración durante un período prolongado de tiempo, era lo que necesitaba mi corazón.  Lily pones una gran cantidad de trabajo preparándote para el día, y se cubre una gran cantidad de contenido, enseñanza y música. Tus historias de vida también me impactan.  Tu amor por Jesús es contagioso. 

 Salí después de seis horas sintiéndome refrescada,   sintiéndome amada por el Señor.  De hecho, llegué a casa e inmediatamente busqué en Google y toqué varias de las canciones de adoración que absorbimos ese día.  Aunque la vida continúa siendo ocupada, tengo un entusiasmo renovado por leer la Biblia todos los días y solo querer adorar a Jesús.   Ahora, una palabra de Rhema se escucha con frecuencia, desde que escuché al Señor decir, "DESCANSA" ese día.   Que el Señor me ama, y está presente en todas mis idas y venidas y decisiones, ha revitalizado mi vida de sentirme seca a sentirme bien regada.  


I wanted to thank you for all that you do to prepare for our prayer times each week. I really appreciate you – and your tender heart and encouraging words too! You had mentioned that you’d like to hear about our experience at last Saturday’s fasting & prayer time … it was my first time fasting with a prayer group, and I would definitely like to continue participating in these prayer times with you & the others. It was a very special time for me. My experience last Saturday was so amazing – yet a bit heart wrenching at certain points. I felt so free to worship our Lord Jesus, and I felt such joy when singing to Him all morning. As the day went on, I started to feel like God was trying to reveal the state of my heart to me. I kept hearing (more in my head, like very strong thoughts – not audibly) that I have a heart that is not healthy … kind of like a broken heart. At first, I disagreed with this, saying “No Lord, I am fine. I get down at times, but I’m fine.” God slowly revealed to me about 20 memories – – times when my heart had been deeply hurt by someone or something in the past. It started at around age 20, then like a “count-down” I persevered through these memories all the way to age 4. I realized throughout this time, that indeed my heart had been severely hurt – my tears were so strong, and I felt so heavy in my chest.  It was at this point that the PowerPoint pictures were displaying Jesus on the cross. I cried and cried, but slowly was able to see that He had taken all of these memories with Him to the cross. He told me to lay them down there, and not to return to them. I felt such a lightness, deep in my soul. All these years, I thought that I had forgiven all of these people for the hurts they had done to me – but God was asking me to remember them one last time. I gave it all to Him!! What a relief and what a sense of peace I felt, and still feel today.  God also revealed to me that I have been battling a spirit of loneliness. I thought that I was just having “down days” like many other people have. I often have felt lonely at home, playing music or reading upstairs by myself, while Pet and John do their own thing in the basement. God spoke so firmly to me that this loneliness I have been feeling at times has been a “spirit of loneliness” and NOT a feeling. I prayed against this spirit in my life, and again God was there beside me – it was like I could almost feel His breath. He felt so incredibly close to me!  I don’t know what anyone of the others experienced last Saturday, but that is my experience – an inner heart’s healing, you could say. Thank you, Lily, for praying for me. I look forward to many months & possibly years of prayer & fasting with you! 
