Spread the gospel
More blessings come from giving
than from receiving.

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
In 2019, I had the honor of visiting this amazing country with my dear friend Mulu. She was born there and we met in Kelowna, BC, Canada. From the first day we met, she told me about her country, family, and sister Martha. Martha and her husband pastor in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. When we arrived I felt welcome. Her family was waiting for us at the airport and that day our hearts joined.
Martha’s husband speaks English and we spent every day together. They are very friendly people and I felt at home.
The people of this country are very religious, Orthodox, Muslim, and Protestant. The churches are open every day and many people attend services that last hours. When believers meet, their focus is worshiping, praise, and prayers for many hours. For them, worship is more important than fellowship.
During my stay in Ethiopia, some doors were opened to spread the gospel at a local high school and a four-day church Conference. In addition, I used my training as an Architect to draw blueprints for a church building.